He graduated with honors from the G. D'Annunzio University of Chieti, faculty of Architecture of Pescara and begins the collaboration in teaching and research activities in architectural design, within the same university.
He is Ph.D., Ph.D. in Architectural Composition and in such path participates in various seminars, conferences and workshops also abroad, in particular in Waterloo in Canada and Montevideo in Uruguay.
During the academic career he edited various publications in journals dealing with architectural research.
Participate in various national and international design competitions in some of which it ranks at first place and in others he gets special mentions.
He carries out his professional activity dealing with architecture by exploring the different scales, from landscape planning to interior design.
STUDY RO | a Architecture | Interior Design
Intrawelt directional
I had the pleasure of working on the restoration of this nineteenth-century villa in order to host the new operational and management headquarters of the translation and linguistic services company Intrawelt Return to that place what it was in the past, the home of Rosa Calzecchi Onesti, a figure who made the history of Italian #translation, was exciting and stimulating.
Enhance the property while maintaining the original architectural and compositional characteristics by inserting contemporary elements that represent the succession of history. Creating a place where old and new meet, communicating in perfect functional continuity, offering themselves as tools for mutual reading.
VillaP | M
The intervention consists in the general redevelopment of the area through an external arrangement that improves the relationship with the surrounding environment and the building renovation of the main building and the existing accessories in order to obtain a single environment intended for residential functions. Through the recovery of the artifacts present, the objective is to create an overall project that takes into account the particular landscape and environmental qualities of the area, redeveloping and recovering a relationship with the local landscape by improving the relationship with the spirit of the place. The intervention in general tends to recover and enhance the buildings and the area in which they are inserted. As regards the intended uses, residential use is envisaged for the main building and the annexed accessories will be functionally connected to it.
SFR_Sea Family Room_Holiday Family Village
mobile housing units that merge and compose aggregation spaces creating a small village, a microcosm destined to make you spend your holidays in a new, fresh and innovative way
Thanks to the collaboration of the Vpf company which built the structures following a customized project, interpreting the architectural and entrepreneurial needs in the best possible way
A small mountain chalet , in the splendid setting of Madonna di Campiglio.
The remarkably small size of 50 square meters and the existing structural limits consisting of the presence of two reinforced concrete partitions within the space and a single windowed wall, have not prevented the creation of a space capable of hosting eight beds with two bathrooms, two bedrooms and a living-dining room with kitchen.
Extreme functional and executive precision combined with interior design work specific and suitable for the place, they create an extremely welcoming and comfortable environment. The materials used, wood and stone, are natural, they represent the essence of the place and they are worked by competent local artisans
Studio Immagine Lab
Ho progettato gli interni della scuola Studio immagine Lab con un solo concetto in mente: qualità. Una qualità che si riflette nella competenza e professionalità di Paolo e Ilenia di Studio Immagine, che ogni giorno formano i nuovi professionisti dell'alta pelletteria.